Nancy Pentz

Individual & Couples Therapy

1200 G Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC  20005

Getting Started

I practice individual, couples, and sex therapy. I conduct assessments and treatment plans for Adult Attention Deficit (and Hyperactivity) Disorder (AADD and AADHD) and help individuals create and achieve goals to compensate for these difficulties. I also work with spouses, home spaces, and workplaces to accommodate these issues. I administer independent assessments and treatment plans for addictions, including alcohol, drugs, sex, food, gambling, spending, religious cults, and others. I offer aftercare following intensive or residential treatment for these addictive issues. In conjunction with my clinical practice, I work with both public and private sector organizations to provide employee assistance program services, executive coaching, and social program monitoring and development.

My therapeutic style is engaged and interactive. I use a variety of tools and modalities to help you achieve your goals and have a new experience of yourself in the moment. You then can choose to use this experience to add new behavior or insight to your range of adaptive skills.

To learn more about the types of treatment I offer and see which is right for your needs, explore the sections below.

Your First Appointment

Inside my officeThe initial appointment is about an hour, occasionally a little more. For your convenience, the initial intake form, therapy contract, and health insurance forms are available on the forms page. If you prefer, you may print these in advance, fill them out, and bring them with you to your appointment. Alternatively, you may fill them out at the office.

I book appointments from 7am to 8pm, depending on the day. The suite receptionist is in the office from 9am to 5:30pm. If your appointment is during reception hours, you will be greeted as you enter the suite and offered water, coffee, tea, and chocolate. The receptionist will notify me that you have arrived, and I will come out to greet you. In the meantime, please feel free to make use of the amenities there for your convenience, including computer hookup, phone charging, and CNN. If your appointment is before 9am or after 5:30pm, please call me upon your arrival and I will escort you to the office.

To ask any questions or to schedule your first appointment, please contact me.